Lockheed Martin X-35 rev.'C' STOVL

Model: Kazunori Ito (Jp)
Aerodynamics: Yahia al-Wajid (Es)

For MSFS2004/FS9 improved detailed model of the Short Takeoff and Vertical Landing (STOVL) X-35 jet from Kazunori Ito. Now you can hover in light winds with zero speed and yet manoeuvre. Stability has been optimized, as well as all flight dynamics. Standard (VC) cockpits and gauges come with the airplane. This model "flies" and doesn't need "hover-gauges" (slewing). Richly detailed exhaust, a refuel boom, engine doors opening and closing as well as rotating engine parts and moving canopy etc. make this a wonderful flight experience. The READ ME from Yahia explains many interesting details about the .air and .cfg files. A 'must-have'...!